Welcome Marines, Auxiliary Members, friends and family to the National Marine Corps League Auxiliary's Web Site
The Marine Corps League Auxiliary was formed for the purposes of promoting the interests of the U. S. Marine Corps, the Marine Corps League and to protect and advance the welfare of Marines and their dependents. Auxiliary members participate in a wide variety of programs that benefit and preserve the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person of this Nation, young and old.
The Marine Corps League Auxiliary was chartered on September 4, 1937 as a subsidiary organization of the Marine Corps League. On August 25, 1950, the Auxiliary was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia as an affiliate of the Marine Corps League. The Auxiliary was formed for the purposes of promoting the interests of the U. S. Marine Corps, the Marine Corps League and to protect and advance the welfare of Marines and their dependents. Auxiliary members participate in a wide variety of programs that benefit and preserve the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person of this Nation, young and old.
Your involvement is vital to the success of each one of our Detachments, Departments, Divisions and our Organization. It takes each and every one of us pulling together to get the important work done of serving our Veterans, our families, and our communities.
Without you, the member, there is no Units of the Marine Corps League Auxiliary. There are 3 things each one of you are encouraged to do:
Wives, Widows, Mothers, Stepmothers, Sisters, Daughters, Stepdaughters, Grandmothers, Granddaughters, Daughters-in-Law, Aunts, Nieces, Mothers-in-Law and Sisters-in-Law of a Marine or FMF Corpsman eligible to belong to the Marine Corps League and Women Marines (former, active and reserves) of a Marine or FMF Corpsman eligible to belong to the Marine Corps League, Inc. (not less than sixteen (16) years of age.)
Women not less than sixteen (16) years of age not meeting any of the above relationship requirements may join as associate Members.
Life Membership is also available, use the chart below. Note: To become a life member you must be a member in good standing.
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